Sicily is an island-region in the south of Italy that has seen its fair share of influences from various cultures. Because of this, their cuisine is a delicious amalgam of small footprints from those other cultures. Among the cultures that have left their stamp on Sicily are the Greeks, French, Spanish, and Arabs.

Major Influences

Arab influence in Sicilian cuisine is manifested in the use of some fruits such as apricots, melons, and citrus fruits. There are also spices such as clove, cinnamon, pepper, and saffron, along with raisins, sugar, and pine nuts. French influence was in the use of ingredients such as garlic, salted anchovies, and olive oil.

Greek influence, on the other hand, can be seen in the inclusion of olives, broad beans, pistachio, fish, and all kinds of fresh vegetables. As for the Spanish, they were the ones who brought over food products from the New World such as tomatoes, maize, cocoa, and turkey meat.

Another culture that has left a stamp on Sicilian cuisine is the North African culture, which introduced the use of couscous.